The Magic Journey Begins

Tonight I guided the first little courages group in my first class to channel their own creative guidance through drawing. WOW – I am so amazed what clear messages showed themselves in the very first exercise when people thought they just made random non-sense lines. When we start to look deeper and communicate with our creations – true magic unfolds. I am so amazed how this process works for other people and that you don’t need to have “artistic” or “spiritual” talents to access your inner wisdom using your creative life flow and translate it with pens, paper, colors, sound, movement whatever feels to be your element. Amazing.

If you are in Hamburg feel free to join us every Thurday from 7-9pm im Lotus Zentrum für Neues Bewusstsein, Tanz und Kreativität, Donnerstarsse 7a, Hamburg Ottensen.
More info about the class here.

Here are 2 of my drawings from the first class.
