I collected all timlapse videos from my channeled drawing practice in May 2017.
It was a great refreshment of my channeled drawing practice, fun to watch and hopefully you get inspired to pick up the pen yourself.
Let me know in the comments what sparked for you… watching these.
If you want to try the process in person with me and a group of other creative explorers, your are invited to “Creative Pleasure” – a BodyExplorerIntensive Day for Women!
Together with my fellow tigress, friend, collegue Ilan Stephani from Kali’s Kuss & 101milesofsexualhealing.com I am facilitating a
Workshop in Berlin on September 10th, 2017
at Mariposa (Monumentenstr. 25)
from 2pm – 4pm.
Channeled Drawing of the day: it reveals the integration, activation and expansion of a session I had today with my colleague Samiel Carolina. She guided me into my creatrix center the womb and specifically the right overy called for my attention. She represents the attraction energy in the creative cycle… this drawing further enlightened me about the need for structure, support, safety and #boundaries in order to rest, let go and open to #receiving. During the coloring I could feel there was like an activation of gene keys happening. The outer rings also feel like a stargate that gets activated with the filling of certain segments of it. And in the end a very firm divine feminine energy was manifesting in the outer rim like a moon shape? – very protective. I just love the expanding energy and the colors of this drawing…
This Channled Drawing Process for today May 8, 2017… revealed to me insight about how to offer and activate some of the seeds aka gifts to grow and bloom in my self-nurturing system. Remember the drawing about my money eco system?
Todays drawing surprised me with its vulnerable innocence yet strong feminine mystical presence. I was asking for guidance a personal issue and the appearance of this drawing , in what it shows but also how it manifested reminded me to be gentle to my heart and strong in my presence – honoring the divine determined force in myself that enables me to surrender in moments I would rather call out my warrioress or collapse completely. The energies present for me are sacred humility, self honoring, vulnerability, love, deep knowing trust.
In todays drawing appeared 2 spirals that are connected and seem to be complimenting another – like a feminine and masculine aspect of something that belongs together or is of the same source. The glowing centers are like the core essence of each radiating in their space – one more to the left the other more to the right. And the well of drops or watersourounding or coming out of this. Perhaps its water of life, or some emotions being processed in the purification of the two. An anciant code connects the 2 spirals. Feels very powerful to me.
Today in the drawing appeared a moon-sun. i love how the ? moon shaps into a sun ☀️uniting the feminine and masculine in this symbology…. Everything else seems pretty clearly revealing itself. It’s a reflection of a liberation journey, revealing the pure and raw woman within daring mire to be seen in her essence. Hiding as part of this process …