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This channeled Drawing manifested last Thursday November 29, 2013 in my creative intelligence class while people in some parts of the world celebrated ThanksGiving and others celebrate Chanukkah and others like me were following the journey of comet ISON to rendezvous with the sun.

It’s just amazing how events align on one day sometimes. Since I am doing my 30 Days of Gratitude posts I’m even more aware of the magic that unfolds everyday. ThanksGiving is celebrating this journey of gratitude and Channuka also celebrates the miracle of light. How amazing that ISON – a comet – meets with Earth’s light and live giving source on that day. It’s such a beautiful sign and inspiration for me taking the journey again diving into my own creative life force / passion and cosmic essence to nurture myself and others.

I found this amazing quote in a presentation of Alex Grey that summed up my heART’s mission:

“Art is an echo of the creative force that births the galaxies. Creativity is a way that the cosmos evolves and communicates with itself” – Alex Grey


Watch Alex Grey’s TED presentation and I hope you are as inspired as I am.



In our last “Creative Intelligence” session we were playing with colors setting the intention of intuitively transforming  blocks in our physical, emotional, mental or spiritual bodies. And what I discovered was my attraction to silver. I always like this color as it feels so futuristic – like my soul essence.

Yet tonight I was experiencing its healing qualities. In the Brennan energy healing work the color silver is used to cleanse and purify or cauterize deep wounds especially after doing past life clearings or spiritual surgery… it helps a lot also to clear out microorganisms. And as I was just reviewing Barbara Brennan’s book “Light Emerging” – the color silver also apparently helps to move faster and communicate better.

Now it’s one thing to work with it energetically and another to really experience the color visually… and especially as I was putting layers of colors on top of each other I intuitively kept putting silver layers directly following … I intuitively felt deep cleansing and purging of my wound was needed. And rose color appeared to heal with love and/ or heal my love relations.

And what do you see in the image? – At the end of our “Creative Intelligence” session tonight – I saw these 2 Beings appear on the canvas, overlapping each other and it did seem they are communicating and the bigger one (silver shape in the background) seems to caress or support the blueish flow creature on the left. And it reminded me that in the last days I felt such strong guidance beside me that would talk to me through my heart and in my writing.

I am feeling truly grateful for this amazing manifestation tonight just playing with colors. I can feel a transformation and cleansing into more joy. I feel less sleepy and having more space in my heart. Try the process yourself or join us in one of my workshops aka playdates!

Additionaly check out my image collection on Pinterst here on different colors like silver and rose. There are more boards for other colors. It’s super nice to look at these images if you need a certain healing color to clear your energy field and lift your spirits. More about other colors coming soon




Know the feeling when you recognize you’ve been running from that emptiness inside? When I do, I get really busy, watch TV shows and movies, talk to friends, spend hours on the computer or get attached to someone who makes me feel nice, needed and connected, some people do workshops one after another, party, eat, don’t eat, drink, smoke, have sex or do whatever to keep the mind and heart from feeling that emptiness, that part that we believe to be missing inside. What we’re running from is feeling fear. A fear that there’s nothing for us, we’re nothing substantial and nobody is there for us. We’re alone and we believe that means lonely. I assume most people feel this fear to some degree perhaps sometimes we don’t even recognize it as fear. It’s OK. However, to keep running for a longer period of time some of these avoidance habits to feel this fear develop into patterns and emotional perhaps also physical addictions. Some are very subtle and difficult to detect on our own.

I have done it for years. I developed my favorite addictions… some of them I am not even aware to call them as such yet. Only when I “loose” a “fulfilling” outside source, something or someone I had been getting attached to for whatever the reason the fear of feeling that emptiness, becomes so strong that is more challenging to run away and more clear the ways that I find to do it anyways.

Well being in that part of the cycle again, I have challenged myself to choose to really dare face this fear this time. I am choosing to be with it – give it space and stop continuing whatever addictive behavior I notice – that keeps me feeling unfulfilled anyhow.

And then a few days ago I received a gift. I found myself  in a black space, a black room. Darkness. However despite my fear I felt a calmness, a safety, stillness… and as I contiinued to just be in that space a sense of peace came over me. And then I started to recognize an interesting sensation, that of being excited. A dawning of unlimited potential, unmanifested ideas, a fullness of sorts yet without being materialized. A full emptiness. And it seemed to be at the center of everything. I guess that is what Quantum physics calls the zero point. It’s like a black hole, dark matter and it has sooooo so much energy and power.

Further, I observed that if the pulse of that unmanifested potential vibrates at such a rate that it passes a threshold (whatever that is)… it turns into a strike of lightning, igniting a bright starlight, omnidirectional essence and with focusing on this impulse that light gets a direction. It’s seems to be a mission and the light becomes an idea that is landing like a plane on the speed way becoming slower and slower and denser until it seems to almost stop moving to manifest into some form, whatever it’s intention, impulse, original idea was.

To me the whole thing appeared visually while sitting in the center of the black velvet void (as Barbara Brennan called it). This experience was truly transforming my fear of that emptiness. It’s one thing to know about the process of creation (as I learnt it in the Barbara Brennan School of Healing and other schools) and another to really experience and observe it so viscerally inside myself and in the context of facing my fear. I could feel my body relaxing in places I wasn’t even aware I held a tension. I was breathing deeper and felt at awe.

Now when I recognize I am keeping myself busy somehow and I recognize fear creeping or luring in some corner of my day … I dare to stop more often what I am doing, to be with that emptiness I am fearing, tolerating the feelings to pass through until I feel the soothing centering stillness again, until I recognize emptiness’s fullness of unmanifested potential and feel peace again knowing how I can create whatever I intend from inside that space inside me.

You dare to share in the comments what you’re favorite addictions are?
