Tag Archive for: Creative Process


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I collected all timlapse videos from my channeled drawing practice in May 2017.
It was a great refreshment of my channeled drawing practice, fun to watch and hopefully you get inspired to pick up the pen yourself.

Let me know in the comments what sparked for you… watching these.

If you want to try the process in person with me and a group of other creative explorers, your are invited to “Creative Pleasure” – a BodyExplorerIntensive Day for Women!

Together with my fellow tigress, friend, collegue Ilan Stephani from Kali’s Kuss & 101milesofsexualhealing.com I am facilitating a
Workshop in Berlin on September 10th, 2017
at Mariposa (Monumentenstr. 25)
from 2pm – 4pm.





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Channeled Drawing of the day: it reveals the integration, activation and expansion of a session I had today with my colleague Samiel Carolina. She guided me into my creatrix center the womb and specifically the right overy called for my attention. She represents the attraction energy in the creative cycle… this drawing further enlightened me about the need for structure, support, safety and #boundaries in order to rest, let go and open to #receiving. During the coloring I could feel there was like an activation of gene keys happening. The outer rings also feel like a stargate that gets activated with the filling of certain segments of it. And in the end a very firm divine feminine energy was manifesting in the outer rim like a moon shape? – very protective. I just love the expanding energy and the colors of this drawing…



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This Channled Drawing Process for today May 8, 2017… revealed to me insight about how to offer and activate some of the seeds aka gifts to grow and bloom in my self-nurturing system. Remember the drawing about my money eco system?



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Todays drawing surprised me with its vulnerable innocence yet strong feminine mystical presence. I was asking for guidance a personal issue and the appearance of this drawing , in what it shows but also how it manifested reminded me to be gentle to my heart and strong in my presence – honoring the divine determined force in myself that enables me to surrender in moments I would rather call out my warrioress or collapse completely. The energies present for me are sacred humility, self honoring, vulnerability, love, deep knowing trust.



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In todays drawing appeared 2 spirals that are connected and seem to be complimenting another – like a feminine and masculine aspect of something that belongs together or is of the same source. The glowing centers are like the core essence of each radiating in their space – one more to the left the other more to the right. And the well of drops or watersourounding or coming out of this. Perhaps its water of life, or some emotions being processed in the purification of the two. An anciant code connects the 2 spirals. Feels very powerful to me.



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Today in the drawing appeared a moon-sun. i love how the ? moon shaps into a sun ☀️uniting the feminine and masculine in this symbology…. Everything else seems pretty clearly revealing itself. It’s a reflection of a liberation journey, revealing the pure and raw woman within daring mire to be seen in her essence. Hiding as part of this process …



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I am continuing my (almost) daily channeled drawing practice again after a few years of only doing commissions and here and there personal channelings for myself or in group I taught. And I am totally enjoying the enlivening effect it has in my life right now. Truly the creative flow and the daily guidance is getting a refuel and deepening in trust and joy.

Today we have the full moon energies in an very intense emotional fueled sign: scorpio plus this moon – in the buddhist tradition (which I actually at some point in my life ordained in as a lay practitioner) – the birth/arrival of the Buddha is celebrated. They call it Vesak. So pretty promising!

So without even trying to interpret anything based on astrology and history… (not my thing) I just felt into myself sourcing my rather intense emotions today and so I asked for guidance in a personal matter.

My drawing surprised me with its vulnerable innocence yet strong feminine mystical presence. I received guidance not only from what shows figuratively in the end but also the way it manifested rather quick, simple and determined. It reminded me to be gentle to my heart and strong in my presence – honoring the divine determined force in myself that enables me to surrender in moments I would rather call out my warrioress or collapse completely. The energies to amplify in me are sacred humility, grace, self honoring, vulnerability, love, deep knowing trust when it comes to facing this personal issue.

Just looking at the image now I receive a clear energy transmission that builts on my core. So grateful for this gift manifested through me. Hope you enjoy watching the process in the video.

Here is the image as well.




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Channeled Drawing Guidance for May 1, 2017

I restarted my channeled drawing practice for personal guidance and connection again and sharing these 2 process videos with you here.

The first one reveals the spring vibes that are so present now with all the fresh greens and rich blossoms everywhere. Truly delightful how it raises my creative energy.

Channeled Drawing Guidance for May 2, 2017

For this drawing I had an intention to explore more about my “money honey” – understanding my money flow. The drawing isn’t super attractive as art but that’s not what this is about. it’s super interesting how the creative process revealed so much insight… starting with lines and structure then weaving in flow, nurturing drops & streams, growing leaves ? and roots, connecting to networks – turned into an entire self sufficient eco system… ? In the end the coloring also revealed through the pink color – that money’s purpose is all to nurture love – infuse love ❤️!!! How wise… and seriously, I didn’t think about anything while drawing! All reveals itself as I’m letting go of pre-thought images and concepts! Cool right? Learn the process yourself here ??Free video tutorial & ebook, just scroll down to sign up for the newsletter and you receive your gift.


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Please share your discoveries if anything in these drawings sprang out to you in the comments below. You can follow me on my Instagram and subscribe to my Youtube Channel to see the most fresh drawings from the day.
Comment below if you use intuitive art for guidance too or have tried this process for yourself and what did you receive? We have a FB Group here where you can share your own drawigings and receive feedback and inspiration from others.

This is the guidance I received for this Channeled Drawing I created for International Soul Art Day 2014 hosted by Laura Hollick.

This drawing really stands for creating from our essence when we spiral into our core center held by our heart with loving caring hands and then expanding from this center outward connecting with other essences creating a beautiful network of lights.
It reminds us also of listening in to understand when we need accelerated movement and when it is time to slowing down and to look for a balance between the two.
The alien looking creature tells us to bring out all parts of us as weird and wild they seem to create and fuel our joy of creation. We are always supported in our heArt creations by the universe that rejoices when we nurture our creative essence.

In this video reading I explain the creative guidance in more detail.

Feel free to share and comment below your own insights, what you see and where your imagination takes you.


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Guidebook TitleWhat to start channeling your own guidance?

Get a free video tutorial and this free Guidebook when you click on the image below or fill in your information in the form below.

You’ll receive a confirmation email and a link to view and download the material.


Yeahhhh…. I finished the 30 Day “Vamp Up Your Visibility” Video Challenge completing more than 30 Videos in the past month. I started on March 1st and today is the last day of this challenge. It has been an incredible transformative experience that I like to share about in the next blog article.

For the last video of this series I decided to create a channeled drawing to receive a message/guidance for all my fellow creative spirits who entered this challenge lead by the wonderful Michelle White Hart and everyone watching my videos of course and all who perhaps have the same longing to be seen and heard in a new way to expand their awareness, their self-love, their business etc.

So here in this video you can witness the creative process how I received the Channeled Drawing. And below you’ll find the image of the drawing that you are welcome to safe to your computer as an inspiration and reminder of the channeled messages that you receive from this. You will also find another video below where I give a Reading of the drawing in the way my intuitive guidance was talking to me. Of course this is an individual reading… and I encourage you to look at the drawing and communicate with it yourself to receive the messages that are meant for you as you see what you need to see and that might be different from what I see.

Feel free to share your insights, comments and questions below in the comments. I’d be happy to receive/answer them.

With love, gratitude and cosmic giggles,
Antonia W*bke

The Channeling Process:


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The Channeled Drawing:

Channeled Drawing Video Visibility

The Reading:


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Love to receive a your very own individual personal Channeled Drawing Reading? Check out my offers when you click here!Yeahhhh…. I finished the 30 Day “Vamp Up Your Visibility” Video Challenge completing more than 30 Videos in the past month. I started on March 1st and today is the last day of this challenge. It has been an incredible transformative experience that I like to share about in the next blog article.

For the last video of this series I decided to create a channeled drawing to receive a message/guidance for all my fellow creative spirits who entered this challenge lead by the wonderful Michelle White Hart and everyone watching my videos of course and all who perhaps have the same longing to be seen and heard in a new way to expand their awareness, their self-love, their business etc.

So here in this video you can witness the creative process how I received the Channeled Drawing. And below you’ll find the image of the drawing that you are welcome to safe to your computer as an inspiration and reminder of the channeled messages that you receive from this. You will also find another video below where I give a Reading of the drawing in the way my intuitive guidance was talking to me. Of course this is an individual reading… and I encourage you to look at the drawing and communicate with it yourself to receive the messages that are meant for you as you see what you need to see and that might be different from what I see.

Feel free to share your insights, comments and questions below in the comments. I’d be happy to receive/answer them.

With love, gratitude and cosmic giggles,
Antonia W*bke


Here is a fast forward video of how I conceived personal channeled drawings for my client. I always find it very interesting to observe the creative process because as I am in contact with my clients energy it also reflects in the way the drawing is created.

This time I left the coloring process out (just forgot to hit “record” – as I was so into the drawing process). But you see the result at the end of the video.

If you like me to channel a drawing for you, check out my offers here. I’d be delighted to swing the pencils for you and share with you the messages and observation I receive.

Music by Ezequiel Barros

Music by Ezequiel BarrosHere is a fast forward video of how I conceived personal channeled drawings for my client. I always find it very interesting to observe the creative process because as I am in contact with my clients energy it also reflects in the way the drawing is created.

This time I left the coloring process out (just forgot to hit “record” – as I was so into the drawing process). But you see the result at the end of the video.

If you like me to channel a drawing for you, check out my offers here. I’d be delighted to swing the pencils for you and share with you the messages and observation I receive.

Music by Ezequiel Barros

Music by Ezequiel Barros

Know the feeling when you recognize you’ve been running from that emptiness inside? When I do, I get really busy, watch TV shows and movies, talk to friends, spend hours on the computer or get attached to someone who makes me feel nice, needed and connected, some people do workshops one after another, party, eat, don’t eat, drink, smoke, have sex or do whatever to keep the mind and heart from feeling that emptiness, that part that we believe to be missing inside. What we’re running from is feeling fear. A fear that there’s nothing for us, we’re nothing substantial and nobody is there for us. We’re alone and we believe that means lonely. I assume most people feel this fear to some degree perhaps sometimes we don’t even recognize it as fear. It’s OK. However, to keep running for a longer period of time some of these avoidance habits to feel this fear develop into patterns and emotional perhaps also physical addictions. Some are very subtle and difficult to detect on our own.

I have done it for years. I developed my favorite addictions… some of them I am not even aware to call them as such yet. Only when I “loose” a “fulfilling” outside source, something or someone I had been getting attached to for whatever the reason the fear of feeling that emptiness, becomes so strong that is more challenging to run away and more clear the ways that I find to do it anyways.

Well being in that part of the cycle again, I have challenged myself to choose to really dare face this fear this time. I am choosing to be with it – give it space and stop continuing whatever addictive behavior I notice – that keeps me feeling unfulfilled anyhow.

And then a few days ago I received a gift. I found myself  in a black space, a black room. Darkness. However despite my fear I felt a calmness, a safety, stillness… and as I contiinued to just be in that space a sense of peace came over me. And then I started to recognize an interesting sensation, that of being excited. A dawning of unlimited potential, unmanifested ideas, a fullness of sorts yet without being materialized. A full emptiness. And it seemed to be at the center of everything. I guess that is what Quantum physics calls the zero point. It’s like a black hole, dark matter and it has sooooo so much energy and power.

Further, I observed that if the pulse of that unmanifested potential vibrates at such a rate that it passes a threshold (whatever that is)… it turns into a strike of lightning, igniting a bright starlight, omnidirectional essence and with focusing on this impulse that light gets a direction. It’s seems to be a mission and the light becomes an idea that is landing like a plane on the speed way becoming slower and slower and denser until it seems to almost stop moving to manifest into some form, whatever it’s intention, impulse, original idea was.

To me the whole thing appeared visually while sitting in the center of the black velvet void (as Barbara Brennan called it). This experience was truly transforming my fear of that emptiness. It’s one thing to know about the process of creation (as I learnt it in the Barbara Brennan School of Healing and other schools) and another to really experience and observe it so viscerally inside myself and in the context of facing my fear. I could feel my body relaxing in places I wasn’t even aware I held a tension. I was breathing deeper and felt at awe.

Now when I recognize I am keeping myself busy somehow and I recognize fear creeping or luring in some corner of my day … I dare to stop more often what I am doing, to be with that emptiness I am fearing, tolerating the feelings to pass through until I feel the soothing centering stillness again, until I recognize emptiness’s fullness of unmanifested potential and feel peace again knowing how I can create whatever I intend from inside that space inside me.

You dare to share in the comments what you’re favorite addictions are?
